A recent study has found that administering drugs directly into the abdomen extends the life of ovarian cancer patients by three years.

The study involved 400 survival patients. Half of them received intravenous chemotherapy while the other received through an injection on their abdomen.
It was observed that the presence of a particular protein, BRCA1, in the tumor also influenced the survival rate of the patients.
Scientists found that the new way of delivering chemo proved beneficial to women with low levels of BRCA1 protein. Their lives were extended by an additional three years and survived for seven years. While other women who received chemo intravenously and whose BRCA1 protein levels were high survived only for four years.
As ovarian cancer is often diagnosed only during the advanced stages of the disease, the findings could prove tremendously useful in helping patients lead an extended life.
Authors thus conclude that further confirmatory studies are required before implementing this promising technique.