The sodium listed on the back of Maggi packs was not all sourced from table salt, but also came from other ingredients.
A recent warning sets out that an average pack of instant noodles has more salt than 8 packs of Smith’s potato chips and 2 big Mac. A spokeswoman for Maggi said the sodium listed on the back of Maggi packs was not all sourced from table salt, but also came from other ingredients that were also used in the packet of noodles, the Sydney Morning Herald reports.
‘Maggi 2 Minute noodles is relatively high in sodium and so improvements are being made to reduce the sodium up to 20% in the next three years.
"We recognise that this category is relatively high in sodium and we have taken significant steps over a number of years to address this," the Maggi spokeswoman said. "Over the last two years we have reduced sodium in our biggest selling product, Maggi 2 Minute Noodles (chicken) by 26 percent. We will continue to make improvements to the recipe across the entire Maggi 2 Minute range, reducing sodium by up to 20 percent over the next three years."
Clare Farrand, Public Health Nutritionist at The George Institute for Global Health, said the findings were especially shocking given that 270 million servings of noodles are consumed worldwide every day.
"Whilst we know that instant noodles contain salt, it's shocking to see just how much salt is in a single packet. Reducing salt intake in Australia by 30 percent could save thousands of Australian lives a year," she said.