
Intellectual Disability Care Demand at its highest…

The 'baby-boom' of the 1960s and 1970s is largely responsible for the increase in demand for full-time residential services for people with an intellectual disability

The 'baby-boom' of the 1960s and 1970s is largely responsible for the increase in demand for full-time residential services for people with an intellectual disability

The National Intellectual Disability Database’s latest annual report reveals that the demand for intellectual disability services is at present at its highest since 2001, in spite of the best levels of service provided and huge investments in these services.

Caraiosa Kelly of the Health Research Board, who is co-author of the report, said, “The increased demand can be attributed to demographic factors, with high birth rates in the 1960s and 1970s leading to a large adult population currently using or requiring intellectual disability services.”

“More people now require these services for a longer period,” she added. Ms Kelly warned, “If the demand for residential services continues to rise at the current rate, only a proportion of the existing and emerging need in this area will be addressed.”

