To curb the widespread sale of fake drugs, Interpol seized medication from hundreds of pharmacies and markets, including dozens of online pharmacies.

‘Counterfeit medications are drugs that do not contain the active ingredient or contain the wrong ingredient that are harmful to health.

Interpol said in a statement they had arrested 87 individuals in the course of the crackdown, which "brought together law enforcement and drug regulatory agencies to target the organized criminal networks behind pharmaceutical crime in Asia". 

"Operation Storm VI demonstrated the sophistication and determination of criminal groups engaged in pharmaceutical crime, creating dangers to public health and the safety of the population," said Aline Plancon, Head of Interpol's Global Health and Safety unit.
Participating countries included Afghanistan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.
The World Health Organization has said the traffic of fake medication mostly affects Asia, Latin America and especially Africa, where "systems of pharmaceutical regulation and of checks on their application are the weakest".