Young women who actively engage with social media images of friends tend to think of themselves as less attractive. These photos can affect the way they feel about their own bodies, finds a new study.
Social media apps such as Facebook and Instagram have been found to blur the difference between reality and fantasy for our girls. Young girls who actively respond to their friend’s image tend to think of themselves as less pretty, finds a new study. The study showed that young women who actively engage with social media images of friends who they think more attractive than themselves are more likely to feel worse about their own appearance later.
‘Young adults really need to be educated on how to know their self-worth and not get caught up in how people respond to their photos, or if someone they think is prettier than them. These negative perceptions can lead to stringent dieting, eating disorders or excessive exercise.’
"The results showed that these young adult women felt more dissatisfied with their bodies. They felt worse about their own appearance after looking at social media pages of someone that they perceived to be more attractive than them," said Jennifer Mills, Associate Professor from the York University in Canada. For the study, the team included 118 female undergraduate students from diverse ethnic backgrounds aged 18 to 27 years old.
Participants were asked to log into Facebook and Instagram for a period of five or more minutes and find one peer that was the same age who they felt was more attractive than themselves.
After looking at the photos, each participant was asked to leave a comment of their choice.
Findings, published in the journal Body Image, showed that participants' views of their own appearance were not affected when interacting with their family members.
"We really need to educate young people on how social media use could be making them feel about themselves and how this could even be linked to stringent dieting, eating disorders or excessive exercise," Mills noted.