
It is safe to take influenza vaccine during pregnancy

Vaccinating pregnant mothers is quite a common procedure. A new research says that influenza vaccine can also safely administered to pregnant mothers as a precautionary measure.

Influenza vaccine or the flu shot is an inactivated vaccine containing killed virus that is injected into the body. This may be given to anybody older than 6 months, including people with chronic problems as well as healthy people.

When 7183 pregnant women in a Houston clinic were studied only 252 were found to have taken the influenza vaccine at the second or third trimester of pregnancy. The researchers had noted that no serious adverse effects of the vaccine were noted within 42 days of vaccination. There were also no significant difference caused to the mode of delivery, including premature birth and caesarian delivery. Also the vaccine seems to have caused no significant effect on the health of the infants from birth to 6 months of age.

This proves that vaccinating a pregnant mother with influenza vaccine is not only to provide protection to mother and child both, those who are at high risk as well as those who are otherwise healthy, this procedure is safe for the mother and child as well.
