Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi, and associated hospitals have taken various measures to control the spread of dengue and malaria.

- Patients are being advised to report to medical OPD or casualty (Emergency).
- Since the start of this year, college has received 302 suspected clinical cases of dengue fever, 18 of which have been laboratory confirmed.
- Regular surveillance is being conducted to detect mosquito breeding in and around the college premises and regular anti-larval application and insecticidal spray are being done to keep premises mosquito free.
- Regular sensitization of supporting staff for vector surveillance activities in the college /hospital premises is being done.
- Diagnostic Kits (IgM ELISA and NS1 ELISA) are available for diagnosis of dengue. Laboratories are functional 24 X 7 for Platelet count and Hematocrit reports of dengue patients in the Department of Pathology.
- Dedicated beds and trained manpower are available for management of dengue patients. IV Fluids and other essential medicines are available for dengue management.