
Jalgaon undertakes Culling of Two Lakh Birds

Culling operations, which began in Jalgaon, on March 29, following fresh reports of bird flu will be completed today. District authorities along with the Maharashtra Animal Husbandry Department officials has undertaken the culling of approximately two lakh chickens from six tehsils in Jalgaon district.

The operation was carried out by 500 health workers, in 82 teams. According to Dr B K Wankhade, Regional District Commissioner, Animal Husbandry a compensation of about Rs one lakh was donated to the poultry owners of Jalgaon, with Rs10 for each bird below 10weeks of age, Rs 40 for birds above that age and Rs 30 for each broiler bird.

However experts differ in their opinion on the government’s response to checking the spread of bird flu. An official from an international agency pointed out that 40,000 birds went reportedly missing in the culling operation in Nawapur in February. According to him this could well have been sold in Jalgaon proving that the government response has been inadequate.

The Health Ministry has also sent teams to conduct house-to-house survey, in addition to checking about one lakh people for bird flu symptoms.
