About 26.6% population of Jammu & Kashmir is using tobacco products, as a result the state has emerged lung cancer capital of India

Eight lakh people will die untimely death due to serious illnesses, heart attacks, pulmonary diseases and Cancer, said J&K Voluntary Health Association, A.M.Mir IAS (Retd) Executive Director. Around 15 lakh people will protract Cancer because of tobacco usage in the State and currently, J&K State has been labelled as the lung cancer capital of India.
He informed that the Burden of cigarette smoking and tobacco use for Jammu Kashmir is very high. J&K has 12% cigarette smokers, 3.8% bidi smokers and 8.0% smokeless tobacco users.
J&K’s cigarette use prevalence is 12%, which is almost double the nationwide prevalence of 5.7%. The highest proportion of adults 67.9% are exposed to tobacco smoke in offices and other public places in J&K as compared to 15.4% in Chandigarh.