Japanese Parliament for the first time has approved an amendment to the anti-smoking law, where smoking in hospitals, schools and government offices, except in designated areas outdoors will be prohibited.

‘The anti-smoking law will prohibit smoking in hospitals, schools and government offices, except in designated areas outdoors.’

In Japan, bars and restaurants allow smoking, without the need for designated non-smoking zones. 

The proposed amendment is, however, much watered-down from the original proposal of the Ministry of Health, and exempts more than half of the domestic hospitality establishments.
In bars and restaurants smoking would be banned in principle, except for establishments with an area for customers up to 100 square metres or a capital of 50 million yen (around $453,000).
There would also be no need to set up separate smoking zones provided there is a sign at the entrance indicating it is a smoking space.
Under these conditions, about 55 per cent of Japan's restaurants would be exempt from the law, although it is still a progress for a country that has been ranked by the World Health Organization as one of the worse in the world in terms of its anti-smoking policies.
The new national law will prohibit smoking in hospitals, schools and government offices, except in designated areas outdoors, and for the first time will introduce fines of up to 300,000 yen for offenders.