Japanese Government and officials are planning strategies to overcome from the crisis if a possible epidemic strikes Japan.
Japanese Government and officials are planning strategies to overcome from the crisis if a possible epidemic strikes Japan. Japanese officials fears if an epidemic of bird flu strikes Japan it could cause more than 64,000 deaths.
The Japanese Government is planning to have a cabinet meeting next week to discuss various strategies to be taken with different Government officials and cabinet ministers to prepare preventive measures and emergency measures for bird flu epidemic. The Japanese Government has allotted various plans to different ministries.The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare will monitor stockpiling and procurement of new antiviral drugs Tamiflu if required. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries will be responsible for control and spread of bird flu infection among poultry. The foreign ministry will be responsible for monitoring movement of people from bird flu epidemic countries to Japan during a possible bird flu outbreak occurs world wide. The Education Ministry will be responsible for monitoring bird flu spread in schools and Universities and will responsible for declaring holiday to schools to prevent spread of bird flu.
The Government is planning to distribute Tamiflu drugs on the basis of its most needy list if a possible outbreak of bird flu occurs. Drugs will be distributed on the basis of priority with the first priority will be given to hospitalized flu patients followed by infants, elderly and diseased patients. The Stocks of Tamiflu with the Government will be able to provide treatment to 25 million people at a dosage of two tablets per day for three days.