Family, health, finances and leisure, takes a beating due to Job insecurity.

This analysis also reveals that the consequences of job insecurity are different in each occupational group, the Spanish Journal of Psychology reported.
Three different groups have been identified: blue collar workers, white collar workers and 'professionals'. The first group included people with positions that do not need high qualifications, such as supermarket shelf-fillers or hospital attendants, according to a university statement.
The second group includes office and administration workers and supermarket assistants and check-out staff. The 'professionals' group includes doctors, engineers and nurses.
When there is uncertainty about employment, blue collar workers "are less satisfied with life and they work less productively than the other groups studied", Caballer explained.
White collar workers are the ones who display the most dissatisfaction at times of instability.
Therefore, the study authors advise against approaching the problems in the same way as with different groups in the company.