Just nine weekly sessions of personalized acupuncture for 20 minutes each may lessen perceived pain intensity in people suffering from fibromyalgia.
Fibromyalgia affects one in 20 people globally and is primarily characterized by chronic widespread pain that is associated with fatigue, disordered sleep patterns and/or depression. Just nine weekly sessions of personalized acupuncture for 20 minutes each may lessen perceived pain intensity in people suffering from fibromyalgia, revealed a study. According to the researchers, tailored acupuncture improves functional capacity and quality of life and the beneficial effects were still evident a year later.
‘Just nine weekly sessions of personalized acupuncture for 20 minutes each may lessen perceived pain intensity in people suffering from fibromyalgia.’
"The treatment produced an improvement in the participants' condition reflected by a reduction in pain intensity and enhanced functional capacity and quality of life after the intervention and during the follow up period," the researchers wrote in the paper published in the Acupuncture in Medicine. Almost 90% of people who have fibromyalgia try some form of complementary therapy, including massage, hydrotherapy and acupuncture.
To find out that personalized approach would make a difference, the researchers compared individually tailored acupuncture treatment with sham treatment in 153 adults, diagnosed with fibromyalgia.
Both the real and simulated treatments, to which participants were randomly assigned, were provided in nine weekly sessions, each lasting 20 minutes.
The results showed that after 10 weeks, perceived pain intensity was lower among those given real acupuncture.
Significant differences persisted after a year, with an average fall of 20% in the pain score among those treated with the real thing compared with just over 6% for those given the simulated treatment.