In Kerala, one out of seven has a heart problem. In other parts of the country things are better than in this state.
Among the Indians, Keralites have a weak heart, said a city cardiologist Tuesday. "In Kerala, one out of seven has a heart problem. In other parts of the country things are better than in this state," said cardiologist C. Bharath Chandran.
According to Chandran, high metabolic syndrome and a combination of factors such as a paunch, blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol lead to a weak heart."Nutritional and calorie deficiencies at the early stages in life have been a contributing factor for the high incidence of heart disease among Keralites," added the cardiologist, who heads the SUT Hospital here that conducts around 20 by-pass surgeries a month.
Studies have shown that in Kerala, the average age of a person likely to have a heart attack is 45, while it is 55 in the country, the cardiologist said.
Keralites also risk heart attack more than other Indians as they fall in Type A personality category and are considered highly ambitious, Chandran said.