All of the patients suffering from various kidney ailments develop cardiovascular problems in the later part of their lives.
New data released by the National Chronic Kidney Disease Registry reveals that almost all of the patients suffering from various kidney ailments develop cardiovascular problems in the later part of their lives.
Endocrinology experts say that the blood vessels in patients suffering from chronic kidney disease (CKD) often malfunctions and thereby effecting the functioning of heart and the brain. The experts also warned about the lack of awareness of the disease and pointed out that by the time such patients went to the doctors, more than 50 percent of the kidney functioning is damaged.There are also concerns that doctors do not check the worsening of cardiovascular problems until it is too late. According to the data released by the registry, while just 3 percent of the patients complained of heart problems in the initial stage of CKD, the percentage went up to more than 19 percent in the 3rd stage and 48 percent in the final stage of renal failure.