Before a kidney transplant surgical procedure, it helps if the donors and the recipients sit in front of each other and talk out their
Before a kidney transplant surgical procedure, it helps if the donors and the recipients sit in front of each other and talk out their queries.
In a research by the Cardiff University investigators it had come to light that recipients of kidney often prefer to have a talk with their donors as they feel they would personally like to ensure that donating kidney might not be in any way harmful to the donor’s health.The donors on the other hand had reported that having a talk with the recipients of their donated kidneys only strengthens their resolve to go on with the surgical procedures.
The researchers had interviewed 11 sets of donors and recipients about their experiences and fears regarding their physiological and psychological risks. The report said that all the donors had made voluntary decisions taken instantly to donate their kidneys and have no regrets for their actions.
The recipients have reported that their lives have been enriched by their transplant as they can now are in a better health from physiological standpoint and can also take part in activities that they have not taken part in ages before their transplant. Some of the activities the recipients seemed happy to take up were driving, exercising, and taking a vacation. The donors also reported a strong sense of satisfaction they had derived from being able to bring so much change in the recipients’ life.
Reference: Cardiff University, news release, July 2005