Usage of devices, while interacting with your kids, might trigger of behavioral issues in your children.
As parents if you are using smartphones while interacting with your kids during mealtime or regular conversations, you might be triggering off behavioural issues in your kids. A new study suggests that even low or seemingly normal amounts of technology-related interruption were associated with greater child behaviour problems, such as over-sensitivity, hot temper, hyperactivity and whining.
‘When parents focus more on technological interaction, they might end up having a not so ideal interaction with their children.’
"Our findings contribute to growing evidence showing an association between greater digital technology use and potential relationship dysfunction between parents and their children," said lead author Brandon T. McDaniel, Assistant Professor at Illinois State University in the US.When parents use mobile technology, their responsiveness to their children changes and the usage of these devices cause less-than-ideal interactions with their children.
"It's really difficult to toggle attention between all of the important and attention-grabbing information contained in these devices, with social and emotional information from our children, and process them both effectively at the same time," added Jenny Radesky, child behaviour expert and paediatrician at C.S. Mott Children's Hospital.
For the study, published in the journal Child Development, the team analysed surveys completed separately by both mothers and fathers from 170 two-parent households.
Nearly half (48 per cent) of parents reported technology interruptions three or more times on a typical day while 17 per cent said it occurred once and 24 per cent said it happened twice a day. Only 11 per cent said no interruptions occurred.
"Setting boundaries on digital use can help parents keep smartphones and other mobile technology from interrupting quality time with their kids," McDaniel noted.