Children and teens who relish sweets and candies are 22% less likely to be overweight revealed a new US study.
Children and teens who relish sweets and candies are 22% less likely to be overweight revealed a new US study. Carol O'Neil, registered dietitian and professor at Louisiana State University's Agricultural Center, monitored the dietary habits of children for five years. The children were between the ages of 2 to 17 years.
The results certainly do not give a blanket approval for kids to indulge in sweets. Instead, Carol cautioned, "Children need to eat better than they are eating now. Candy can certainly be used as some sort of celebratory treat or an occasional treat. But it's not a hall pass to eat what you want."
"Children need to eat healthy foods, nutrient-dense foods. They need to have fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy.And foods like candy should be occasional foods, celebratory foods and eaten in moderation."