In Tamil Nadu, 600 persons tested positive for coronavirus taking the total tally to 6,009, while three COVID-19 patients lost their lives taking the death toll to 40, revealed sources.
In Tamil Nadu, the Koyambedu wholesale market coronavirus cluster continued its major contribution to increase the number of new coronavirus infections as 600 persons tested positive for the virus over the past 24 hours, as per the state Health Department. In a statement issued here on Friday, the Health Department said a total of 1,589 COVID-19 patients are linked to Koyambedu wholesale market here till date.
‘Chennai continued to see highest number of coronavirus infections at 399 on Friday followed by Thiruvallur (75) and Cuddalore (34).’
The Department said 58 COVID-19 patients who got cured and were discharged from various hospitals, taking the total number to 1,605 persons. A total of 13,980 samples were tested over the past 24 hours.
The number of infected children in the age group 0-12 went up to 303.
The total number of active cases in Tamil Nadu stands at 4,361.