Having a larger muscle could compensate for low muscle quality when it comes to patients with Chronic Kidney Disease, finds a new study.

The research suggests that it doesn’t necessarily matter how much fat or fibrosis is contained within a muscle - as, if the muscle is big enough, it could compensate for the lack of quality in regard to physical performance.
When fat or fibrosis gets into the muscle, this gives it the marbling effect similar to that seen on steak or other forms of meat.
This infiltration of fat can stop the muscle from working properly, as it can stop the muscle fibers from contracting as well as they could without the fat being present. Fat infiltration in the muscle can also affect muscle metabolism and cause inflammation to the cells.
The study, led by Dr. Tom Wilkinson and Professor Alice Smith from the University of Leicester’s Department of Infection, Immunity, and Inflammation, and Leicester’s Hospitals, recruited 61 non-dialysis CKD patients and observed how muscle quality can be reduced when fat or fibrosis gets into the muscle.
The team used 2D ultrasound scans of the rectus femoris muscle of the quadriceps in the leg - an important muscle for everyday tasks such as walking and climbing stairs.
They found that patients with greater overall body fat (e.g., overweight and obese patients) had more fat in the muscle, resulting in lower muscle quality, but that the negative effects were reduced when the muscles themselves were larger.
"Therefore, in addition to the loss of muscle size, our study shows that muscle quality should be considered an important factor that may contribute to deficits in mobility and function in CKD. Interventions such as exercise, especially weight lifting type exercise as previously shown by our research, could improve both of these factors."