Scientists are saying that a new type of procedure could be a safer alternative to corrective eye laser surgery.
Scientists are saying that a new type of procedure could be a safer alternative to corrective eye laser surgery.
According to a new Cochrane Systematic Review, the new corrective procedure called insertion of phakic intraocular lenses (IOLs) could be comparatively safer and more popular, despite the fact that it doesn't differ too much from the conventional laser surgery process.Both procedures work by changing the path of the light entering the eye and bringing images into focus in the right place. Laser surgery does this by removing parts of the cornea, whereas the new procedure uses a synthetic lens inserted in front of the natural lens.
"Our findings suggest phakic IOLs are safer than excimer laser surgery for correcting moderate to high levels of short-sightedness," says lead author Allon Barsam of the Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in London, UK. "Although it's not currently standard clinical practice, it could be worth considering phakic IOL treatment over the more common laser surgery for patients with moderate short-sightedness."
A year after surgery on 228 eyes in 132 patients, the percentage of eyes with 20/20 vision without spectacles was the same for both procedures, but patients undergoing phakic IOL treatment had clearer spectacle corrected vision and better contrast sensitivity. Phakic IOL procedure also scored higher in patient satisfaction questionnaires.
According to researches, Phakic IOL may have an increased risk of cataract, but that needs further investigation.