
Laxatives are Not the Right Option for Losing Weight

Many youngsters are trying their best to gain an amazing figure at the cost of their own health.

Many youngsters are trying their best to gain an amazing figure at the cost of their own health. With under eating and vomiting after consumption of food, a large population is opting for laxative abuse.

Assumptions about weight loss

Eating Disorders Association conducted a research which proved that 20% of women who wanted to lose weight took laxatives. The rates were much higher in female students.

Though these women start with few pills a day, soon they acquire a temptation to consume in dozens in order to prevent the absorption of calories after bingeing.

Steve Bloomfield, the association's spokesperson said, 'Most people binge on sugary foods which are absorbed quickly, so taking laxatives does not work if the aim is to lose weight.

'Instead, they just rob the body of vital vitamins and minerals, most significantly potassium, which can result in heart failure.

The ill effects of laxatives

Laxatives cause rapid emptying of the GI tract by increasing gastric motility, thus preventing absorption of vital nutrients leading to multiple deficiencies. People try to prevent absorption of sugars and fat in order to reduce weight, but have to pay a huge price instead. The complications it can lead to are renal failure, bowel problems and cardiac problems.

Increasing Market of Laxatives

Mintel, the Consumer goods analyst found that there was three times growth in the laxative market to around £52m in UK from 2001, and in the next five years he predicted a rise by 50%.

He said, 'On the flipside of overeating in Britain, we have seen a pre-occupation with under eating and perpetual dieting.

'Not all laxative purchases will be made in an attempt to lose weight, but there is little doubt that this has played a key part in the market's growth'.

Bloomfield said, 'And what is now particularly worrying is that laxatives seem easier to get than ever. You can buy them from chemists, supermarkets or over the internet.'

