Well-known toy manufacturer Lego is facing flak over their new girl-themed sets which show female characters that resemble Barbie dolls rather than the conventional yellow construction figures.

The image comes with a message, "Forget the pink aisles and new girl figures with breasts, bring back beautiful!"
The LEGO Facebook and Twitter page has been hit by hundreds of posts and images from angry consumers outraged by the stereotypes they say the new line advocates, News.com.au reports.
One user wrote that her twin boy and girl share all of their toys and that her daughter did not need her own separate pink, sexualised version.
"I will not be boxing her into the narrow, sexist stereotypes that this world has waiting for her. My boy does not need these messages either. He will grow up knowing that a girl can be every bit as inventive, intelligent and creative as a boy can be," the user wrote.
A LEGO representative said it was not planning to substitute their existing range with "LEGO Friends", and that they were simply diversifying their existing collections.
"I speak to a lot of parents and I've never had one negative feedback. I just don't get it. I just don't see it," McNaught said.
According to the report, the campaigners, however, say the new campaign betrays LEGO's core value of exercising children's imaginations.