Know why it’s extremely important to get your child vaccinated. Read on…

Mass vaccination programmes are now rapidly introduced in small towns and villages, and overall, India has benefited a lot by these initiatives. However, there’s a lot of work yet to be done as India still remains one of the four polio-endemic countries in the world.
In a country like India, where religion and culture play a huge role in shaping an individual’s future, age-old sciences like Ayurveda and Naturopathy are prominent ways to treat an individual. Die hard followers of these fields of medicine, however, have now developed strange beliefs. They claim that childhood diseases are simply nature’s way to boost a child’s immunity. Furthermore, they also believe that natural immunity is achieved by surviving these childhood diseases.
In contrast, the urban areas face a problem of plenty. People who can afford good vaccination services ensure the best for their children; however, there is always a risk of an expired vaccine, or an unsterilized needle. Imported vaccines are now easily available in metro cities; however, they are not always effective for Indians. Imported vaccines for pneumonia and prevention of cervical cancer have been ineffective for Indians, and there is an increased risk of development of severe side-effects.
Vaccine care: Standard care rules, if not undertaken, can have devastating effects. For example-
• Reconstituted measles vaccine must be stored in ice and used within 4 hours. If this protocol isn’t followed correctly, the child may suffer from life-threatening side-effects.
• Whooping cough can cause neurological complications like brain damage, seizure, and even death.
• 70-80% children getting vaccinated for whooping cough, do not attain the disease
Though there exists a very tiny risk of attaining side-effects of the vaccine, it is still way better than leaving your child exposed to the innumerable pathogens in the environment every single day. An unvaccinated child is more likely to become infected by these life-threatening conditions.
A healthy child responds better to vaccines, which is why, diet and nutrition is of utmost importance.