Eating Right at Night: Choosing the Best Foods for Evening Health

Eating Right at Night: Choosing the Best Foods for Evening Health

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  • Some nutritious foods, ideal for daytime consumption, may negatively impact sleep, digestion, and overall well-being when eaten at night
  • Foods like curd, fruits, chicken, fatty foods, and dry fruits can disrupt sleep, cause mucus or gas development, raise blood sugar levels, and hinder digestion if consumed before bedtime
  • Choosing the right foods for evening consumption is essential for a restful night's sleep and optimal health
A nutritious diet is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. However, the time of our meals is as important as the choices we make. While some foods are high in nutrition, they may not be the ideal options for late-night intake. Choosing what to eat at night is critical for general health and well-being.


Some Foods Should be Avoided at Night

Certain foods can impair our sleep, digestion, and overall comfort as the day winds down. Some healthful foods may be beneficial during the day, but they are hazardous at night. Here's a list of some of these nutritious foods.


Why You Should Avoid Curd at Night

There is no doubt that curd is a nutritious food with numerous benefits. When we eat it during the day, the healthy bacteria in it take care of our digestion. Curd strengthens our bones and boosts our immune. However, consuming high-quality curd at night can be damaging to your health (1 Trusted Source
Viruddha Ahara: A critical view

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). Because of its chilly nature, it may cause mucus and gas development in the stomach.


Avoid Eating Fruits After Sunset

Fruit is good for everyone, whether they are patients or healthy people. It is, however, healthier to consume them during the day. Consuming the fruit after sunset is considered detrimental since its cooling tendency can produce phlegm. They also contain carbs and sugar, which can raise blood sugar levels and disrupt sleep. Furthermore, eating them at night produces gas and constipation (2 Trusted Source
Gas and Bloating

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Can Eating Chicken at Night Cause Sleep Disruption?

Chicken includes a lot of protein, which takes more time and energy to digest. As a result, eating late at night causes sleep disruption (3 Trusted Source
Habitual Meat Consumption and Changes in Sleep Duration and Quality in Older Adults

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). If you must eat, do it in small portions and a balanced manner.

Do Not Consume Fatty Foods at Night

When we eat fatty foods at night, our digestive system works till late at night to break them down and digest them, disrupting our sleep (4 Trusted Source
Fiber and Saturated Fat Are Associated with Sleep Arousals and Slow Wave Sleep

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). As a result, specialists advise against consuming fatty foods at night.

Dry Fruits are Difficult to Digest at Night

Dry fruits contain high amounts of carbs, sugar, vitamins, minerals, and all nutrients, which are helpful if eaten early in the morning, but cannot be broken down by stomach enzymes if consumed late in the evening or at night.
  1. Viruddha Ahara: A critical view - (
  2. Gas and Bloating - (
  3. Habitual Meat Consumption and Changes in Sleep Duration and Quality in Older Adults - (
  4. Fiber and Saturated Fat Are Associated with Sleep Arousals and Slow Wave Sleep - (

