
Foods To Have on Christmas

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Festivals unite friends and family and right food for the feast can add up to the celebration. Read on to know must have delicacies that are bound to bring good times this Christmas.

Foods To Have on Christmas
Christmas is just few hours far, what to cook and what to eat are the major questions in this much awaited celebration. Families and friends are going to be united over feast and you already have a large and lovely dinner menu in your mind. In this celebration, let’s add some elements that would double up your joy and above all, your health and well-being. Don’t forget to add these food items to the list of Christmas feast as they are bound to make your festival merrier.
Turkey: You can possibly not have a Christmas feast without a beautiful roasted turkey. Turkeys are bound to bring joy to the feast as they are delicious and rich in phenylalanine, an amino acid that is considered as an effective antidepressant drug. Phenylalanine gets converted into dopamine in our brain and helps boosting a happy and cheerful mood. One serving of turkey is enough to get almost half of the recommended daily intake of folic acid, vitamins B, B1, B6, zinc and potassium. These nutrients help to keep blood cholesterol under control, boost immune system and keep heart diseases at bay.

Chocolate Cake: Eating chocolates might sound a bit childish to other grown ups in the house but it is difficult for anyone to resist a piece of rich, dark and soft homemade chocolate cake. Chocolates are not just a treat to our tasting buds but are also rich in phenylethylamine, that causes changes in the blood sugar levels and increase the feeling of excitement. With ample amount of minerals such as potassium, zinc and vitamins such as D, E and B12, they are one of the best food for mood and heart.

Red Wine: Andre Simon once said, "Wine makes every meal an occasion, every table more elegant, every day more civilized." Human civilization has always known the value of a good old wine. Red wine is rich in antioxidants that help to fight all those free radicals that got in your system from smoke, pollution and ageing.. Red wine can lower risks of heart attack and stroke by 10%.

Roasted Sweet Potatoes: We love French fries and colorful candies, but can’t ignore the huge list of health issues associated with them. But sweet potatoes can help us to fulfill both these needs in one shot. Sweet potatoes are roasted or baked and served for dinners. They are rich in vitamin B6 that helps to prevent heart attacks, a good source of vitamin C which helps to ward off flu viruses, aid in digestion and blood cell formation. They also contain vitamin D that is responsible to boost immunity. All these benefits are important in winters, as the risks of catching flu and cold are high. Above all, they are delicious to eat and keep you feeling full for long time.

Cranberry Sauce: Cranberries are a superfood that should be enjoyed throughout the year, but cranberry sauce is a staple food at holidays. You can enjoy a thick layer of them on muffins, fruitcakes and other sweet dishes. Cranberries have high amounts of vitamin C and fiber but contain very low amount of calories. They have high amounts of antioxidants, higher than strawberries, spinach, broccoli, red grapes and cherries. They are superfood against free radicals and are extremely healthy for the health of your heart.












