Naturopathy provides a drug-free and non-invasive treatment in helping to manage metabolic disorders like diabetes and high blood pressure.
- Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in India
- A balanced diet, regular exercise, or daily yoga and pranayama can help in reversing metabolic diseases
What is Insulin Resistance Insulin resistance, often known as diabetes, is the body’s cells’ basic inability to use insulin. Because of this, even though the pancreas generates insulin, our cells cannot use it to absorb glucose, which results in diabetes. Clinically, an insulin resistance condition is defined as fasting serum insulin levels greater than 60 pmol/L.
Insulin resistance is a complex metabolic condition that both pre-diabetics and diabetics frequently worry about. It interferes with peripheral tissues’ ability to use insulin, which impairs their ability to utilize glucose and, among other things, causes hyperglycemia to develop.
The liver, skeletal muscle, and adipose tissue are the primary peripheral tissues involved because they are the primary insulin-sensitive sites. Insulin resistance is characterized by an increase in blood triglycerides, cholesterol, and blood glucose levels while a decrease in HDL cholesterol levels, which together contribute to metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease.

Tackling the Metabolic Syndrome Epidemic
Despite not being contagious, metabolic syndrome is entirely dependent on the lifestyle of the individual. Incorrect dietary habits, a lack of physical activity, chronic stress, working late hours without appropriate rest, environmental influences, and a tad bit of hereditary effect. In a word, you are ultimately responsible for making decisions concerning your health; you cannot blame your genes!How to Reverse Metabolic Syndrome
Since the damages are the result of poor lifestyle choices, temporary relief is not the solution. Only healthy lifestyle changes can undo the damage. A balanced diet, regular exercise, or daily yoga and pranayama all contribute to developing physical and mental strength.Diabetes-free Life with Naturopathy
Naturopathy provides a drug-free, non-invasive treatment in this situation that may help you find your inner healer and change your life! 1. Chia/basil seeds should be soaked for the night in a glass of room-temperature water. When you awaken, consume the soaked seeds with this water first thing in the morning. Because chia/basil seeds are a good source of soluble fiber, this beverage aids in lowering blood sugar levels and preventing insulin spikes.2. Make a juice with 2-3 raw Indian gooseberries (Amla) and one glass of room temperature water. Consume it first thing in the morning without food. This juice helps rid the body of toxins that have built up and is a good source of vitamin C. It also has laxative properties.
3. Replace one-time servings of cereal with a millet dish, then switch the cereals out for veggies at the following meal. This aids in both preventing and treating diabetes.
4. Maintain your hydration by consuming 3-liters or more of water each day.
5. Citrus and semi-ripe fruits should be used in place of sweet fruits.
6. Count the natural colors that are included in your food, such as a rainbow diet that must contain at least seven different fruits and vegetables. This provides enough phytochemicals for the body.
7. Sleeping 7 to 8 hours at night increases the likelihood of curing diabetes by about 30%.
8. Walk or engage in other forms of strength exercise to strengthen the soleus muscle. The muscle that contributes the most to glucose metabolism is this one.
9. Burn abdominal fat by using Kriyas and yogic techniques.
10. Maintain optimal Vitamin D levels by getting enough sunshine or by taking supplements.
11. Short, cold abdominal treatments or packs are a fantastic way to boost energy and metabolism. Your digestion will benefit from this therapy's increased circulation to the area of your abdomen.