The Thrifty Vegan: Guide to Slash Grocery Bill With Plant-Based Eating

The Thrifty Vegan: Guide to Slash Grocery Bill With Plant-Based Eating

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Breaking stereotypes justifying switching to veganism being expensive. Read more to know.

  • Adopting a vegan diet not only offers significant health improvements but also brings cost savings
  • It reduces the environmental footprint
  • Switching to Veganism aids in promoting a sustainable and affordable dietary choice
A vegan diet is a plant-based eating pattern that excludes all animal products, such as meat, dairy, and eggs. It benefits the environment and is cost-effective in several ways. Vegan diets generally have a lower carbon footprint compared to diets rich in animal products. The production of meat and dairy is resource-intensive, contributing significantly to greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation (1 Trusted Source
Vegan Diet and Food Costs Among Adults With Overweight

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Vegan Diet is Cost Efficient

A recent analysis conducted by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, published in JAMA Network Open, has revealed that adopting a low-fat vegan diet can lead to a remarkable 16% reduction in food expenses equating to over $500 in annual savings compared to a diet containing meat, dairy, and other animal-based products.
Dr. Hana Kahleova, MD, PhD, the director of clinical research at the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and co-author of the study, expressed the significance of these findings, stating, "We knew that a vegan diet significantly reduces your risk of conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity—and now we have proof that opting for beans instead of beef will also lead to significant savings on your grocery bill."

The research was conducted as an analysis of a Physicians Committee study, where participants were randomly assigned to either a vegan group or a control group. The vegan group was instructed to adhere to a low-fat vegan diet, which primarily consisted of fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes. Meanwhile, the control group was not given any dietary restrictions. Both groups were not limited in terms of calorie intake or food costs.

To assess food costs, the study used participants' dietary records and linked them with food price data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Thrifty Food Plan for the year 2021.

The results showed that the total food costs for participants in the vegan group decreased significantly by 16%, equivalent to a daily saving of $1.51, compared to no substantial change in the control group. These cost reductions were primarily attributed to savings in meat, amounting to -$1.77 per day, and dairy, with savings of -$0.74 per day. Adjustments in purchasing habits within other food groups, such as eggs and added fats, also contributed to the observed financial savings.

Interestingly, these cost savings in the vegan group surpassed the increased expenses associated with purchasing more vegetables (+$1.03 per day), fruits (+$0.40 per day), legumes (+$0.30 per day), whole grains (+$0.30 per day), and meat and dairy alternatives.

Plant Diet Promotes Life and Savings

These findings reinforce previous research that indicates opting for a plant-based diet not only promotes health benefits but also offers substantial cost savings compared to diets containing animal products.

Furthermore, the study revealed additional advantages of a low-fat vegan diet, including weight loss, improved body composition, and enhanced insulin sensitivity in overweight adults.

On this note, a vegan diet is environmentally friendly as it reduces greenhouse gas emissions, conserves resources, and minimizes pollution. Additionally, it can be cost-effective due to the affordability of plant-based staples.

"Being vegan is not about being perfect. It is about doing the least harm and the most good."

Reference :
  1. Vegan Diet and Food Costs Among Adults With Overweight - (












