
Link between Faith, Health and Healing

Our forefathers believed it, some of us believe it but science is skeptical about it. However there certainly seems to be a link between faith, health and healing.

Some scientists also now are starting to believe in spiritual practices, including prayer, worship, and service to others, influence our health.

The new age healing mantra is not “take medicines and get well” but a “holistic approach to wellness”, which unites the science of medicine with that of the spirit. It is an amalgamation of body, mind and soul. In the words of Greg Anderson, a man diagnosed with metastatic lung cancer in 1984 and just 30 days to live, "We are now witnessing the uniting of science and spirit, the combination of body, mind, and soul, to reveal the stunning effects of faith on both physical and emotional health". "The shift that is underway is historic," said Anderson from his Cancer Recovery Foundation of America offices in Harrisburg.

In order to drill this new concept and concretise it Anderson has revised hi classic “The Cancer Conqueror” to address this phenomenal health-faith chained relation. This has been done in conjugation with United Methodist Pastor Michael Gingerich.

With the association of the church “The Cancer Conqueror” with Bible Study is an uplifting guide to cancer patients and support networks of the Judeo-Christian faith. The book is currently available only through the Cancer Recovery Foundation website at

Science and religion went hand in hand till centuries ago when a reluctant church held fast to positions that science could empirically refute. "But today," said Anderson, "the shoe is on the other foot.

Medical experts now find it difficult to negate the effects of faith on the healing process. Many cases dismissed as hopeless by medical science were revived on the sole basis of faith. They were nothing short of miracles and as Anderson puts it "What I am seeing is a new whole-person sensibility, It combines body, mind, and spirit in the best sense, a powerful blend of the scientific and what I believe should rightly be called the mystic. Instead of limiting the roles of healthcare providers, I see an expansion, an amalgam of skills, including part scientist, nutritionist, psychologist, and spiritual guide. The result is a new and vital healing paradigm that is now rippling through the American healthcare system."

Anderson took upon him the bastion of promoting this synthesis and new age healing process. From being a victim of medical science and declared a dead man; having spent 20 years to studying this concept. Today he is the pioneer and one of Americas foremost healing authorities. Spreading the message are his seven books. The most sought after being The Cancer Conqueror, which sold 1.5 million copies and became the international bestseller.

Healing is not all the same, it has various forms, broadly three and these are a motivation to hear. Anderson ascertains, "The stories of healing are always the most moving. They tend to fall into three groups. First are those who may not be completely cured of their illness but who learn to cope with illness through prayer and other forms of spiritual practice. For others, the faith/health connection may mean stopping the progression of an illness like cancer or heart disease. Still others experience the reversal or complete healing of their disease. It is impossible to predict or control the level of healing. But all typically result in a deep sense of inner peace. This almost always offers some degree of improvement and can be truly powerful."

To carry on the work started by Anderson and carry the flag all round the globe is Cancer Recovery Foundation, started in 1985. This non-profit organisation works with cancer prevention and helping people survive it. The organisation is located in Hershey.

Rather than looking at cancer from the doctors side it has a people centric approach. Motivating people to start living again and pioneering the "cancer survival pyramid," are its major activities.

Cancer patients are taught how to join the shattered pieces of their lives and learn to live life to its fullest. They are encouraged to love life again. The adult programme focuses on inculcating healthy eating habits, ability-appropriate exercise, mind/body and faith/health disciplines.

To reinforce their faith in God Cancer Survival and Bible Study Kits are given to all cancer patients.

A point to be made here is that these programmes supplement the medical treatments and do not in any way replace them.

The treatment of children is done through a fun filled way and consists of providing toy-filled gift bags to children during treatment, camp scholarships following treatment and emergency financial assistance to families in need.

These programmes are administered either directly or through healthcare providers. Its adult programs, services and materials are available through more than 300 cancer treatment centres throughout the United States, Canada, France, Great Britain and Germany. The Foundations childrens programs and services are available through more than 170 paediatric oncology treatment centres across the United States. A special medical mission outreach also is providing paediatric oncology services in Uganda and Ukraine.

Source and contact person: Susan Cort
Cancer Recovery Foundation
[email protected]
