
Link found between depression and poor glycemic control

Researchers have found that there exists a significant association between depression and poor glycemic control.

There exists not only a significant association between depression and glycemic control, the research also confirms that a large number of diabetes patients do seek out treatment for their depression. Patients with moderate to severe depressions have a three times more risk of having poor glycemic control than patients without depression.

The researchers have looked into 200 Hispanic diabetes patients before they had arrived at their conclusions. They feel that the link between diabetic patients and depression is stronger than that of depression and poor glycemic control of the people observed. The Hispanic population have high rate of incidence of diabetes and are more likely to have poor glycemic control as well.

The results of the research show that diabetes is one of the growing ailment for this population, who are less likely to have regular medical care, take screening tests, and use preventive services of a medical practitioner, as was shown in a previous study. The researchers feel that is all the more why the people from this population be regularly provided with medical treatment and be made aware of the risks that exist to their health.
