
Lip Gloss Linked to Increased Skin Cancer Risk

A dermatologist at Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas has warned women that using shiny lip gloss may increase their risk of developing skin cancer.

A dermatologist at Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas has warned women that using shiny lip gloss may increase their risk of developing skin cancer.

Dr. Christine Brown revealed that lip balms and glosses had the tendency to attract ultraviolet rays and hence increase the cancer risk. "When skin cancer occurs on the lower lip, it has the potential to be much more aggressive and metastasize to surrounding lymph nodes," she noted.

Instead women are better off using sunscreens. In fact if they want to wear shiny lip balms and glosses, it is better to have a sun lotion with SPF of 30 underneath.

This is because the skin on the lips is very tender and more prone to sun damage that can ultimately lead to skin cancer.

