Children having peanuts or peanut butter tend to lose weight with an improved blood lipids.
At a time when obesity is rampant among school children, Dr. John Foreyt of Baylor College of Medicine and colleagues at the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service Children's Nutrition Research Center in Houston have found a means of losing weight. Their study has shown that Mexican-American children aged between 10 and 15 lose weight when they skip their school meal and instead have peanuts or peanut butter after school for snacks.
Not only did these children lose weight but an improved blood lipids was also observed. The study published in the journal of Pediatrics revealed that children lost statistically significant amount of weight in three months when the traditional snacks they received like chips and snack cake, were replaced with peanuts/peanut butter with a fruit or vegetable.Therefore remember to eat a peanut to lose weight!