
Low Socioeconomic Status May Lead To Mental Illness

Researchers are of the low social and economic standing may lead to more cases of mental illnesses like depression, and bipolar disease. The study,

Researchers are of the low social and economic standing may lead to more cases of mental illnesses like depression, and bipolar disease. The study, which examined a database of 34000 patients who have been detected with mental illness leading to hospitalization, was published in the current issue of American Journal of Orthopsychiatry.

The study results show that income education and occupational status leads to the social and economical standing of a person. The more people belong to the lower strata in the more are the reported cases of mental illnesses. The study also shows that economic stress is one of the major factors to contribute to poor mental health and cause several kinds of psychological illnesses. This is true irrespective of the kind of economic problems suffered and the nature of the mental illness that affects the poverty stricken population.

For a long time, poor mental health was associated with a lot of factors like hereditary influence, family history, and the like. The new study not only highlights the role played by socio-economic factors, but also the fact that people belonging to the lower social and economic strata may need more preventive care and guidance in order to improve the collective mental health of the society.
