
Lower risk of cardiovascular disease from tight glucose control

Research has proved that tight glucose control can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease in people with diabetes type 1.

Keeping a tight glucose control on the blood sugar levels mean that for patients with diabetes is to keep their blood sugar as close to the normal levels as possible. Conventionally this can be achieved by regular testing for blood glucose levels, following a diet and exercise plan, and adjusting medication according to the daily food intake and exercising.

Long term benefits of tight glucose control currently acknowledged were prevention of eye problems, kidney problems, nerve problems and heart disease.

The new research study called Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC) study said that intensive management of blood glucose levels is better than conventional management of glucose control in prevention of cardiovascular disease. The intensive treatment of controlling blood glucose levels is through at least three insulin injections a day or an insulin pump that follows the frequent self-monitoring for the blood glucose levels.

The results had showed that for the participants who had an intensive treatment of glucose control had almost fifty percent less incidence of cardiovascular events like heart attacks, stroke, angina and coronary heart disease that requires coronary bypass surgeries than those who were under conventional treatment methods.

Reference: National Institutes of Health (NIH), press release, June 2005
