
Majority of Brit Kids on Antidepressants

An alarming trend in Britain reveals that anti depressant prescriptions for children has risen by 30 percent in the counter with more than 35,000 children in England alone taking the controversial drugs.

According to the data obtained by using the Freedom of Information Act, more than 420,000 prescriptions were given to children under 16 years of age as a part of their ADHD medication in 2007. It is being reported that one in five school age children in England are on medication for ADHD.

“We already know that our children suffer the lowest levels of well-being in Europe. This data shows that increasingly health professionals are prescribing drugs to treat child mental health problems, when evidence suggests that talking therapies can have an equal, if not better effect," said Anne Milton, Shadow Health Minister.

A spokesman for the Department of Health said that the guidelines were clear in saying that other treatments must be considered for kids before issuing antidepressant prescriptions."Once treatment has been started it should be monitored by a GP. Drug therapy should be one part of a comprehensive treatment programme that includes advice and support to parents and teachers," he added.

