
Make Your Job Interviews Successful With These 10 Tips

Just as important as your experiences and qualifications are your interview skills to get through a job interview.

 Make Your Job Interviews Successful With These 10 Tips
Just as important as your experiences and qualifications are your interview skills to get through a job interview.
Despite being the most qualified candidate with references galore, a poor interview performance can leave a lousy impression on a potential employer.

But you can avoid this if you prepare the right way for your interview.

Here is a checklist of 10 things to always bring up in an interview, according to the Huffingtonpost:

The work - The most fundamental goal of the interview is to determine whether you have the skills to do the job. Be prepared with a list of your top selling points so the interviewer is completely aware of your advantages over others.

The company - In a 2011 survey by AccountTemps, 38 percent of managers said the number one interview mistake they encountered was little or no knowledge about the hiring organization. Don't let that happen to you. Do your homework ahead of time so you are ready to say why you want to work at that job and for that company.

The culture - The work environment can determine whether you love your job or hate it. Address the work culture with your interviewer to make sure your values align.

Industry knowledge - you can "wow" the interviewer by showing off your knowledge of the industry. Talk about recent newsworthy events or the company's newest products.

Past experiences - Your past experiences demonstrate how you would perform if you landed the job. So, you want to be prepared to describe past experiences where you had a big impact. If you have numbers to back up your claims, that's even more persuasive.

Portfolio - A portfolio is a visual representation of your past work. It not only shows off your accomplishments, it also gives you added value.

Your plan for the position - Your interview needs to show the company what you can do for them. Lay out what you'd do, should you get the job. This plan doesn't need to be detailed-it just needs to illustrate how you would positively contribute to the position.

Your referral - If you were referred to the position, be sure to remind the interviewer. This connection may put some legitimacy behind your candidacy, as well as spark a positive conversation between you and the interviewer.

Thought-out questions - Always make sure you have questions at the end of the interview. From queries about the interviewer's role to thoughts on the history of the position, questions show your desire for the job. They can also give you more insight into the role, which may not have been addressed during the more formal portion of the interview.

Next steps - Understanding the next steps in the interview process is essential. Always ensure you're aware of what these are. It may be a second interview. It may be giving the company a list of references. It may mean you won't know the outcome for a few weeks. By asking about these next steps, you'll know what to expect and gain some peace of mind. You'll also show your enthusiasm for this position.












