
Malnourished Nigerian Child Abandoned by Family Makes Incredible Recovery

by Shirley Johanna on Apr 2 2016 6:48 PM

A 2-year-old boy in Nigeria was found starving in the streets as his parents abandoned him. The child has made an incredible recovery in two months after the rescue.

Malnourished Nigerian Child Abandoned by Family Makes Incredible Recovery
A two-year-old Nigerian boy was abandoned by his family because they thought he was a witch. He was rescued on January 31 by Anja Ringgren Loven, a Danish aid worker in Africa.
Loven, founder African Children’s Aid Education and Development Foundation, renamed him Hope and took him to the hospital for treatment.

Hope was de-wormed and had daily blood transfusions to increase the red blood cells.

Loven posted pictures of malnourished Hope in the social media and appealed for donations to help pay for his medical bills in January. The picture provoked massive donation of cash for his treatment around the world.

Hope has hypospadias, a genital birth defect meaning the urethra emerges somewhere on the shaft or even the base of the penis, instead of at the tip. He is due to have surgery next week to correct the defect.

Loven has shared a series of pictures showing Hope’s incredible recovery.

“As you can see on the pictures, Hope is really enjoying his life now having 35 new brothers and sisters who ALL take such good care of him, play with him, study with him, and make sure he is safe and is getting a lot of love.”

“Thousands of children are being accused of being witches, and we have both seen the torture of children, dead children, and frightened children,” she wrote on Facebook.

“With all the money, we can, besides giving Hope the very best treatment, now also build a doctor clinic on the new land and save many more children out of torture!”

Loven runs a children’s center where the youngsters she saves live and receives medical care, food, and schooling.










