A 3-year-old girl is attacked savagely by her mother’s boyfriend and she tries to protect him. Bu the police finally close in on the Bedford couple.
Apparently there is just no end to bizarre things that can happen in that melting pot of the world, the capitalist paradise.
A 3-year-old girl is attacked savagely by her mother’s boyfriend, for months. All that the mother would do is to attempt some treatment for the poor child, but she would not betray her lover. The word gets around though and the two are arrested.New Bedford police in Massachusetts announced Wednesday the arrests and said Bryan James, 34, put up a brief struggle after they stopped his vehicle to arrest him and the child's mother, Jessica Silveria, 26.
Police said the child suffered bites to her face and has lost the upper part of her lip. In addition, police said, her ear was so badly mutilated that surgery could not restore it to its natural state.
Children's Hospital, Boston, felt it was one of the most horrific abuse cases they have seen, according to police.
State and local police officers were tipped off that the two fugitives were planning to drive back into New Bedford after their names and photos were posted on the Massachusetts State Police most wanted list, police spokesman Capt. Richard Spirlet said.
Media reports had generated 'an awful lot of calls' about the couple's whereabouts and police learned they would be returning to New Bedford, Spirlet said and thanked the media for its coverage and the public for their cooperation.
James is charged with mayhem and assault and battery on a child, causing substantial bodily injury.
Police said they feel Mr. James caused the child's injuries and Ms. Silveira tried to conceal their true nature from authorities.
Silveira gave conflicting statements that didn't adequately explain her daughter's injuries, which include 'boxer's ear' and dead tissue on her lip that will require plastic surgery, Capt. Spirlet said and exclaimed in horror, 'It was malicious, mayhem.'
Police feel the abuse started sometime in January and continued for several months. Police learned May 17 about the abuse to the child.
The mother brought the child into a medical facility and the child was referred to Children's Hospital.
Police said both of Ms. Silveira's children are now in the custody of the state Department of Social Services.