A 26-year-old man, who had undergone Ebola treatment in Liberia and is presently quarantined at Airport Health Organization Quarantine Centre, is found to be symptom-free.

Union Health and Family Welfare Secretary Lov Verma held a video conference with Principal Secretaries of 24 states and Union Territories to emphasize the need to strengthen surveillance at ports and airports.
The states were informed that central teams would again be visiting designated ports and airports to review the passenger screening. The Principal Secretaries were also requested to conduct surprise checks of the airports to identify gaps in screening, if any.
As the states have now trained master trainers, they were asked to conduct training of District Rapid Response Teams. A special mention was made to sensitize private practitioners and members of mass media.
They were further requested to conduct mock drills involving the airports and isolation facilities and in particular on donning and taking off personal protective equipments.