A new survey has revealed that half of parents admit to feeling inadequate when their children ask them questions, as they don't always have the answers.
Most parents admit to fibbing when their children ask them simple questions for which they don't have answers, a new survey has revealed.
Questions like, 'How is rain made? Why is the sea salty? Where does God live? What do ants eat?' often leave parents stumped and unable to answer.A quarter of parents admitted making up an answer or trying to distract their child with something else to avoid answering the question.
"It is exciting when children become really curious about the world around them and ask those searching questions. But even what appear to be simple questions can leave you feeling stumped," the Daily Express quoted psychologist Jennie Lindon as saying.
"The key is to embrace your child's curiosity and to coax them towards figuring out some answers for themselves. You can give gentle pointers rather than always providing the answer.
"This takes the pressure off mums and dads to find tricky answers on the spot. But just as importantly, you're helping your children with the tools for thinking.
"They need to learn for themselves, through exploring and trying out different possible answers," she added.
The show tackles some of the more common science and nature-based questions posed by two to five-year-olds.