
Marketing Video For Australian Dentists Released, But Public Dental Services Poor

by Gopalan on Sep 28 2009 10:45 AM

A veteran Australian dental consultant has released a 24-minute video to help fellow dentists market their services better even while newspapers report of poor public dental care.

A veteran Australian dental consultant has released a 24-minute video to help fellow dentists market their services better even while newspapers report of poor public dental care.

''Dental Marketing Project X,'' released by noted consultant Jim Du Molin offers a tutorial.  This dental video can be viewed for a limited time at online.

''Today, we face difficult economic times,'' said Du Molin. ''Dentists nationwide are encountering new challenges. Patient traffic is down. No one is spared. Something very big needs to be done for dentistry, and I am doing it. We are taking major steps  right now to increase patient traffic to our doctors and friends during this nationwide economic downturn.''

As the dental community braces for more bad economic news, Du Molin hopes he can re-energize dentists’ marketing efforts, bringing them more new patients and raising their bottom line. He began developing this project one year ago in response to growing financial turmoil.

''I’ve heard awful stories from dentists across the country,'' he said. ''Money is tight, and consumers are guarding their dollars closely. It’s not just that cosmetic dentistry has taken a hit – dental patients are starting to see dental care as an optional expense, so they’re cutting back on their dental spending.''

On the project itself, he would only say, ''I can’t tell you much about it right now,'' he said, ''but I will tell you that it’s never been done before for dentists, is desperately desired, and blows away anything and everything I’ve ever done for dental marketing and practice-building.''

Jim Du Molin is a leader in internet marketing for dentists. He founded the Internet Dental Alliance, which provides dental practice websites, and The Wealthy Dentist, where his weekly dental newsletter reaches over 25,000 subscribers. As the co-founder of the Dental Organization for Conscious Sedation (DOCS), he is a leader in the sedation dentistry movement and has help train thousands of sedation dentists across North America.

Molin’s initiative comes at a time when the federal government acknowledges that ``access to dental services is a problem.”

An Australian Institute of Health and Welfare study of dental patients in New South Wales and South Australia published in June, found that even non-urgent cases suffer pain or discomfort, with 49 per cent declaring themselves uncomfortable eating any food and 45 per cent reporting toothaches in the previous four weeks.

Most dental work in Australia is paid for privately, but public services exist for concession card holders and other groups deemed needy by local health authorities.

Some qualify for immediate or emergency care, with the rest referred to non-urgent waiting lists for general or denture care. And the queue is endless.










