
Marriage does good for Diabetics

According to a new research shows people with diabetes who are in a happy marriage have better diabetes-related quality of life than their unhappily

According to a new research shows people with diabetes who are in a happy marriage have better diabetes-related quality of life than their unhappily married counterparts. Researchers from the State University of New York Medical University in Syracuse surveyed nearly 70 adults with diabetes who had been married for an average of 21 years. Patients, who were all on insulin, were surveyed again two years after the initial survey.

The patients' reports regarding their marital adjustment and familiarity at the beginning of the study showed strong association with their diabetes-related emotional distress and diabetes-related quality of life at follow-up. Patients who had high levels of intimacy with their partner were more likely to report greater satisfaction with their diabetes regimen at the two-year follow-up. Those who reported better marital adjustment were also more satisfied with their diabetes regimen.

Authors of the study conclude that this study provides prospective evidence that marital quality predicts diabetes-related quality of life. The marital relationship can be a major support or a significant source of stress. This study lends support to the recommendation that we also focus our clinical interventions on the patients' social environment. Interventions that aim to help the partner be appropriately supportive will likely improve quality of life and illness adaptation.
