Those who got married are 30 percent less likely to suffer from dementia than those who remain single, because marriage helps both lead a healthier lifestyle.
People with dementia may have problems with short-term memory. If you want to ward off the risk of old-age problems like memory loss and dementia, getting hitched may be the right solution, says a study, as interaction of a loving relationship helps keep the brain active and reduces the risk by a third. The findings, led by Andrew Sommerlad, Professor at the University College London, showed that those who married were more than 30 percent less likely to suffer from the condition than those who remain single.
‘Interaction of a loving relationship, leading a healthier lifestyle, including exercising more, eating a healthy diet, smoking and drinking less will reduce the risk of dementia.’
This is because marriage helps both the partners in a wedlock to lead a healthier lifestyle, including exercising more, eating a healthy diet, smoking and drinking less, all of which have been associated with the persistence of a reduced risk of dementia. Couples may also have more opportunities for social engagement than single people that further wards off the dementia risk.
Conversely, lifelong singletons and widowers were 42 percent and 20 percent more likely to develop dementia risk.
It is because they lack proper communication, which boosts the stress levels that further impairs the nerve signalling in the brain and cognitive abilities, the researchers noted.
Thus, those who remain unmarried should focus more on education and proper physical health to cut down the risk of dementia, the researchers said.