A new wonder bra that gives women a lift and massages their breasts has been developed by Spanish scientists.
A new wonder bra that gives women a lift and massages their breasts has been developed by Spanish scientists.
The underwear apparently uses hidden pouches of water and air to accentuate assets and is priced at 60 pounds.The Hidrosens bra further makes use of motion sensors to constantly adjust the fit of the pouches.
Inventors Teleno alleged that the massaging effect left women with "wellbeing and peace".
"Women feel more comfortable and that their breasts look more firm and natural, apart from the fact that they can show off their cleavage," The Sun quoted Chief Alfons Perez Carballo as saying.
"These bras have undergone extensive testing by doctors and the tests show they increase blood flow to the breasts, improve lymphatic drainage and prevent sagging.
"So not only do you look a million dollars but you really feel it as well," Carballo added.