
Media Attacks Gwyneth Paltrow For Her Health And Lifestyle Websites

Gwyneth Paltrow has dismissed criticism of her health and lifestyle website as the media's way of not understanding it.

Paltrow has been giving out advice on topics like diet and exercise on, which also features a weekly newsletter, but she has now come under attack from the press for her articles.

"Why is it called Goop? Perhaps 'Any Old Load of Rubbish' and 'Learn From Me, Ungrateful Peasant' were both taken," the Daily Express quoted a Canadian newspaper as saying.

But the Iron Man star has refused to let the comments have any effect on her, and she insists that the advices she has been sharing have been passed on to her by others.

"I think the people who are criticizing it (the website) or criticizing the idea of it, don't really get it, because if they did, they would like it," she said.

"There's nothing incendiary about it. I find it really interesting because it's a harmless newsletter that goes out each week. I give advice because I felt like I had a lot of really useful information that I was privileged enough to get, because I have this amazing, super, fortunate life.

"My friends call me all the time to say, 'Where should I go?' or 'What should I do?' And I thought, you know, maybe some other people would be interested in it as well, so I started it, and it's doing great.

"I think that people like people to stay in their 'box', they like people to stay how they are comfortable seeing them," she added.

