
Meditation may reduce stress and help you live longer

Stressful lifestyle can contribute heavily to high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. A new study has revealed that distressing can happen through transcendental meditation programs that can lead to prevention and control of these diseases.

For population over 55 years of age, those who live the extreme stressful life, interventions in the form of meditation may have long-term effect over the health of the individual. Researchers had pooled patient data from two trials that had compared transcendental meditation programs, other behavioral interventions and usual treatment for high blood pressure. The study was conducted over 18 years to find out about the status of health and death rate of the participants under study.

Compared with other interventions, those who had learnt to meditate showed a 23% decrease in the mortality rate, for causes such as cardiovascular disease or cancer. He results suggest that specific stress decreasing interventions like certain forms of meditation can be used to prevent and control high blood pressure, rate of deaths due to all causes or cardiovascular disease to elder people who suffer from systemic hypertension.

The study results were published in The American Journal of Cardiology in tits current issue.
