A new study has debunked the myth that women are the ones who love to gossip, for it has been found that men are bigger tittle-tattlers than ladies.
Contrary to popular belief, a new study has declared that men bandy gossip a whole lot more than women - eventhough women often carry the burden of 'gossip monger' labels.
A poll of 5,000 people by research company www.onepoll.com has revealed that blokes spend an average 76 minutes a day rumour-mongering with pals and colleagues while women do it for just 52 minutes.And their hot topics include pals' drunken antics, old school friends and the sexiest girl at work, reports The Sun.
Women are more likely to bitch about other females, other people's sex lives or their friends' weight gains.
Men love to gossip at work, while women in the comfort of their homes.
Also, women like to confide in their friends at home, the study found.