
Menstrual Cycle Linked To Bone Injuries

Menstrual cycle is said to have an effect on weakening of muscles and ligaments in women’s body.

A recent finding reveals that menstrual cycle has an effect on weakening of muscles and ligaments in women’s body. This was disclosed by osteopath Dr Stephen Sandler.

According to Dr. Sandler, the levels of hormones oestrogen and relaxin play a vital role in joint flexibility in women. When the level of oestrogen decreases during the middle of a normal 28 day menstrual cycle, it strengthens the muscles and ligaments and women are prone to back pain during this period.

Then, between 24 to 26 days, level of relaxin increases which causes the pain in the lower back and neck. As women progress through their cycle, they become more prone to injuries. However in case of women consuming contraceptive pills they would not experience this as their oestrogen levels are generally kept constant. Dr. Sandler arrived at this finding after studying 17 women and comparing notes with 1000 other osteopaths.

Commenting on this, Rebecca Morrison, from the British School of Osteopathy said that this finding could be significant for all women and more so in case of women athletes who can schedule their activities according to their menstrual cycle and prevent injuries.

