
Mental health may deteriorate as early as in the teens

Researchers of the National Institute of Mental Health, US, have found out that almost 50% of the cases of mental disorders may affect the

Researchers of the National Institute of Mental Health, US, have found out that almost 50% of the cases of mental disorders may affect the population in as early as the teenage and may remain undetected for a long time.

In a revealing study researchers reported that in spite of efficient treatments available, patients stay untreated for long periods, at times for even years. This makes the disorders once diagnosed, difficult to treat as they become more severe and may develop strains of recurring tendencies, even if cured.

Research said that while 50% of the mental diseases that affects people for a lifetime begin at the age of 14 while 25% of them begins at the age of 24 years. Females have a higher tendency of having mood disorders or anxiety disorders, while males have more tendencies of substance abuse disorders and impulse disorders. The adults who have reached the age of maturity without any sign of any mental disorders are least likely to be at risk from mental ill health.

Researchers of the study feel that their study underestimated the extent of mental disorders that had affected the people in the US, as they have only considered the households. The incidence of mental disorders amongst the homeless or those under medical supervisions is quite high but has not been included in the study. The study also did not include severe mental illnesses like schizophrenia or autism etc.









