
Mercy Killing Charge Refuted by Katrina Doctor

Dr. Anna Pou, during her first ever public appearance, since her arrest for causing the death of four patients with dangerous injections, confirmed that neither she nor the two co-accused nurses, warranted the murder charge.

The charge labeled against them by the Louisiana Attorney General Charles Foti, points at incriminating evidence, of second-degree murder. The witness account as mentioned in the affidavit of the case, confirms that Dr.Pou along with the two nurses had equipped themselves with syringes and drugs before they had entered the seventh floor ward, meant exclusively for severely ill patients.

At the time, plans were rife to conduct an evacuation of the Memorial Medical Center, due to the Katrina devastation, but the patients on the seventh floor were so ill, that it was simply inconceivable to evacuate them. According to the investigation report, it is at this juncture that Dr. Pou and the nurses injected the patients with lethal combination of drugs.

The Post-mortem analysis of the victims found dangerous levels of the pain-killing drugs. In her words to the media, Dr Pou, said, 'I did not murder those patients. I have spent my entire life taking care of patients; I have no history of doing anything other than good for my patients … Why would I suddenly start murdering people? I do not believe in euthanasia. I don't think that it's anyone's decision to make when a patient dies. What I do believe in is comfort care, and that means that we ensure that they do not suffer pain.'

